Notes for multi languages support The Small HTTP server ver 3.06 support separate language file. This give possibility to make any localisation of the program. The language file named 'shs_lang.cfg'. The file is the same for Windows and for Linux versions. If this file is placed in the same directory where placed configuration file, the program load strings from this file. Localisation files that are already available, placed into 'langpacks' directory. If the file for your language is not precent there, then you can make it yourself, just translate the file from some other language. If you do it, then you may send me the result, it will be including in the next packages and it will be a vailable for download on the site. shs_lang.cfg file format: It is text file. The file including the records for strings constant that using the program. Each record it is: MNEMOTIC_NAME=some text ( -- mean new line) The records separated by empty line. The text into the record may be multiline, but all new line characters will be removed when loading. To insert new line in the string use '\n' construction. Also if you would like to include backslash in the text then use two backslash '\\' instead. Another interpreted char it is \r, \",\' . Some strings used for format output. In these strings the % sign must be replaced to %% (two procent sing). Some string include HTML formatting and in some case HTTP header. Please, be careful, do not change this parts of string, otherwise the program will not work correct. And very importing record it is: charset=; charset=windows-1250 There you may direct the charset that will be using. If the charset is utf-8 the Windows version of the program will try to convert the strings for dialog-windows to unicode.